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Sarah Marie Photography

Friday, October 28, 2011

Welcome to the World, baby {L}

This was my first birth story, and this lovely little baby decided I should get the most out of it :) Although the day didn't go as mom and dad had planned (isn't that how it is when you have children!), I feel so incredibly lucky to have been able to spend the day capturing little moments for them. The whole experience was more emotional than I expected (as I'm shedding a few tears now, my husband just walked by smiling and shaking his head), I really did have a great day with them. This little baby was welcomed into the world with the most wonderful friends and family, truly a miracle. Although I only got to see baby {L} for a couple seconds, I can't wait to officially meet her for her newborn pictures soon. ~Enjoy
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Beautiful Fall Sunday!

This weekend is SO SO much better than last!!  I had a great weekend photographing over 80 people (I lost count) between, make up sessions and my regularly scheduled ones I was getting as many sessions as I could in!  Here are some of Sunday's pictures!

Fall 2011 catch up :)

I had a busy Saturday!!  Here are some of the wonderful families I got the chance to spend time with!

Friday, October 14, 2011


Due to the inclement weather, the ground being soaking wet, wind and this weekends predictions... I have decided to cancel this weekends mini sessions.  Believe me no one could be as sad as I am :(  and this was a stressful decision to make.  I am hoping to come up with some sort of a solution soon, for those who want fall pictures!

Thanks~ Sarah

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sweet 3 days new {s}

Oh, this little bundle of love was just too cute today!~  He has his parents smitten, and even my husband got all googley eyed watching this baby!  For a good part of the session he just hung out and watched what I was doing :)