I first met them a little over a month ago, to take some pictures and capture a few special moments for them... and they have become more than just a client for me, they have pulled at my heart and I am totally wrapped up around Miss Chaia's finger as I catch up and read Ben's blog (almost daily!). I have laughed, cried and prayed for them as I followed what is going on in their lives...
Today was no different, I was more than excited to see them, and Chaia was so excited to see me, so excited that she didn't nap before I came :), which was fine with me, because her sleepy little eyes and hands made me melt just the same... Oh and her eye lashes... I promise nothing has been done to these in her pictures... I HAVE never in my life seen such a thing... they are thicker and longer than ones you could by at a drug store!

If you don't know her story by now... PLEASE go towww.mustardrevolution.blogspot.com
Please think about paying it forward this Holiday, they have been in the hospital since September! Which means Ben needs to find food someplace, how can you help, Call 24 hour Au Bon Pain inside the Clinic (216-721-6473)and you can purchase the gift card for food and they will hold it for them until they pick it up. They also have a trust fund set up for Chaia that I am more than happy to forward you information about. Feel free to drop off a couple dollars or mail me a few dollars, I am MORE than happy to collect as much money as possible to donate to this family. If everyone on my Facebook page donated a dollar or two, that would add up to a WHOLE LOT.
Please think about paying it forward this Holiday, they have been in the hospital since September! Which means Ben needs to find food someplace, how can you help, Call 24 hour Au Bon Pain inside the Clinic (216-721-6473)and you can purchase the gift card for food and they will hold it for them until they pick it up. They also have a trust fund set up for Chaia that I am more than happy to forward you information about. Feel free to drop off a couple dollars or mail me a few dollars, I am MORE than happy to collect as much money as possible to donate to this family. If everyone on my Facebook page donated a dollar or two, that would add up to a WHOLE LOT.
They are also holding a Souper Bowl Party on January 7 at 5:30 p.m. There is more information on their blog!