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Sarah Marie Photography

Friday, December 23, 2011

Miss {Chaia} updated~

 Today I traveled to the Cleveland Clinic to see this amazingly inspiring family of 3.

I first met them a little over a month ago, to take some pictures and capture a few special moments for them... and they have become more than just a client for me, they have pulled at my heart and I am totally wrapped up around Miss Chaia's finger as I catch up and read Ben's blog (almost daily!). I have laughed, cried and prayed for them as I followed what is going on in their lives... 
Today was no different, I was more than excited to see them, and Chaia was so excited to see me, so excited that she didn't nap before I came :), which was fine with me, because her sleepy little eyes and hands made me melt just the same... Oh and her eye lashes... I promise nothing has been done to these in her pictures... I HAVE never in my life seen such a thing... they are thicker and longer than ones you could by at a drug store!

If you don't know her story by now... PLEASE go

Please think about paying it forward this Holiday, they have been in the hospital since September! Which means Ben needs to find food someplace, how can you help, Call 24 hour Au Bon Pain inside the Clinic (216-721-6473)and you can purchase the gift card for food and they will hold it for them until they pick it up. They also have a trust fund set up for Chaia that I am more than happy to forward you information about. Feel free to drop off a couple dollars or mail me a few dollars, I am MORE than happy to collect as much money as possible to donate to this family. If everyone on my Facebook page donated a dollar or two, that would add up to a WHOLE LOT.
They are also holding a Souper Bowl Party on January 7 at 5:30 p.m. There is more information on their blog!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Thanksgiving

Over the river and (literally) through the woods to my aunt Joy's house we go.
I can't see Thanksgiving any other way.  We normally arrive to some craziness, as my kids run through the door (or cling to my leg) I add a little bit of my own craziness. ... The house smells like turkey (and tophurky) and the kitchen is packed with people...  I've kissed and greeted my way through through to the kitchen to drop off my sweet potatoes (will they even fit in the oven?).  
As I make my way through to the living room (okay, FIRST I did stop and get a glass of wine) everyone normally has to write something they are thankful for... (hmmm... Am I thankful for my aunts big basement that my kids are playing in so I can drink this glass of wine)... Passing through I've now heard one of my cousins dirty jokes he is passing along to the adults (ughh... Really.. Lol sometimes I dont want to be an adult to hear them...haha), my uncle has music going through the house and I normally have time to sit and and relax...  for just a minute (someone has to go potty, needs a juice box, or is pulling their brother's hair).
Someone's yelling through the kitchen dinner is ready, all the Eeehhheem.. "older adults" go first which is fine by me, because it's time for my "little" cousin and I to scout out and fight for room at the kids table...  Our kids table is about 40ish and younger..  My cousins and I have never outgrown it.. And I wouldn't have it any other way...  Who has the rolls... Time for the food fight to start...oh no who hit "great auntie so and so" we get shot a dirty look through the porch doors.  So this may not be Martha's Thanksgiving, but it's mine.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.  No matter how you celebrate yours, take time to think about what you are really thankful for.  In one year, my business has grown up big time, I have learned a lot, cried a bit, loved with your families, laughed, and I am thankful that you trust me enough to bring me into your lives to capture these sweet moments with you.  
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Miss {m} all of one week new

This little baby was surrounded by a whole lot of love today (and everyday, I am sure!), I was lucky enough to meet 4 generations of this little lady's family!  I feel like when I left I had grown especially attached to {m}, I don't know if it was because she was so darn cute or just because she seems to have everyone wrapped around her teeny little fingers~ Enjoy

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sweet Baby Chaia

Just finished editing this session, and had to post a few more of this little love.

For more information, go to

to donate to this amazing little girl:

Chaia Joy Thompson Fund

Some have inquired about contributing toward a fund in Chaia's name. It's not expected by any means, but, word on the street is that a week at Akron Childrens, over a month at Cleveland Clinic, an ambulance ride and a helicopter ride will end up costing more than 10 or 20 dollars.

If you have been seeking this information, its here.

The Chaia Joy Thompson Fund
First Merit Bank
102 Main Street
Wadsworth, OH 44281

You can send it by mail or drop it off at the bank.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Love this little guy {m}

Holiday Mini Sessions~

I had a great time meeting so many new faces yesterday!!  I hope you enjoy your preview :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Beautiful, Baby {Chaia} 4 months new

A couple weeks ago I was sent an email from one of my clients asking for prayers for a little baby and a link to a blog.  I clicked on the link and started reading.... and reading... and then back tracked in the blog a bit and read some more.  It was heartbreaking and uplifting all at the same time.  I couldn't imagine going through this as a parent, yet Ben (Chaia's Dad) was funny and so real... I laughed and cried... and went through the entire blog beginning to end... (I think my kids thought I was crazy as I'm making peanut butter and jellies in my kitchen while reading a lap top bawling my eyes out)

I feel beyond blessed that I was able to capture some memories for them today, I hope these pictures mean as much to them, as they already mean to me.  Chaia was just such a beautiful, sweet baby... I can see why she has everyone wrapped around her teeny little fingers.

Follow their blog

Friday, October 28, 2011

Welcome to the World, baby {L}

This was my first birth story, and this lovely little baby decided I should get the most out of it :) Although the day didn't go as mom and dad had planned (isn't that how it is when you have children!), I feel so incredibly lucky to have been able to spend the day capturing little moments for them. The whole experience was more emotional than I expected (as I'm shedding a few tears now, my husband just walked by smiling and shaking his head), I really did have a great day with them. This little baby was welcomed into the world with the most wonderful friends and family, truly a miracle. Although I only got to see baby {L} for a couple seconds, I can't wait to officially meet her for her newborn pictures soon. ~Enjoy
click view larger

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Beautiful Fall Sunday!

This weekend is SO SO much better than last!!  I had a great weekend photographing over 80 people (I lost count) between, make up sessions and my regularly scheduled ones I was getting as many sessions as I could in!  Here are some of Sunday's pictures!

Fall 2011 catch up :)

I had a busy Saturday!!  Here are some of the wonderful families I got the chance to spend time with!